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Most of my professional projects are subject to non-disclosure agreements. Below is a quick overview of publicly available work.

R Packages #

pricesensitivitymeter #

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I am the author and maintainer of the pricensitivitymeter R package, which is available on CRAN. The package provides an implementation of the van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter, a standard market research technique for pricing research. Beyond the standard functionality, it also offers the possibility to use weighted survey data.

For a quick explanation how to use the package, please read the package documentation. There are also vignettes that explain how to visualize the results and how to deal with weighted data. If you face problems when using the package, please open an issue in the Github repository or send me an e-mail.

pocketapi #

I have contributed some code to the pocketapi package, which is available on CRAN and allows to address the web service Pocket from within R. (Most of the work has been done by other project members, though.) The code is also publicly available in a repository on Github.

RStudio Themes #

RStudio supports custom themes as of version 1.2. I have created a collection of user-made RStudio themes with more than 120 themes. You can find more details and an overview here on Github.

I have written the Nord-RStudio theme which is a port of the excellent Nord VS Code theme (there are other ports available, I really like the “Nord Polar Night Aurora from the rsthemes package).

Academia #

Contributions to Research #

My research on the viewers’ real-time reactions to TV debates of political candidates was published in the peer-reviewed journal “Politische Psychologie - Journal of Political Psychology”. An abstract in English and German is available on the journal website.

Alletsee, M. (2015). Informationsverarbeitung in TV-Duellen: Ein mikrofundierter Mehrebenen-Ansatz zur Analyse der Echtzeit-Reaktionen auf Kandidatenaussagen. Politische Psychologie – Journal of Political Psychology, 4(2), 275-291.

As a research assistant, I had a minor role in supporting the scholars within the research group with data processing and analysis code/review for academic articles that were published in Political Psychology, Political Analysis and Electoral Studies.

Quantitative Analysis Methods #

During my university studies and in market research, I have i.a. worked with generalized linear models, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multilevel/hierarchical regression, fundamentals of Bayesian estimation, (mostly: supervised) machine learning methods and Conjoint analyses.

Together with two friends, I participated 2015 in the very first Data Fest in Germany in 2015, a mix of hackathon and data analysis competition.